Enliven Your Rooms With Color For Drama and Warmth!

Color in homes tends to make them more joyful and interesting! Pastel colors are coming back, but what matters in your home is what makes YOU feel happy. Color is such a personal choice and we all respond differently to different colors. To figure out what colors are right for you, think about what accessories, bedding, clothing colors, or even vacation spots you are drawn to and find pleasing. Do you love the ocean or lakes? Then blue or blue/green might well be a color you’d enjoy in your home. Are you drawn to the Southwest? You likely will prefer bold warm colors, such as orange, yellow, or red in your decor. You also need to consider the main purpose of each room (relaxing, entertaining, studying, sleeping); the amount and quality (north, south, east, west) of your light (natural and artificial); cohesiveness with existing hard-to-change finishes such as flooring, tile, cabinetry, granite, even expensive furniture you own; and your partner’s color preferences as well, if you to both live in something akin to harmony! Don’t be afraid to go bold, but when you do, keep colors limited to 2, maybe 3, combinations, and be sure to have one or two neutrals mixed in to get a color palette that works and won’t make you dizzy or overwhelmed! Or call me for a color consult and to discuss what will work in your home for the mood and results you want!

Luxurious bathroom

Luxurious bathroom

The Difference Paint Can Make!

The Difference Paint Can Make!

Spring green and raspberry pink add modern flair

Spring green and raspberry pink add modern flair

Purple-pink bedroom

Purple-pink bedroom

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